Biggest Mistake you make as a Parent

Ani Rich
1 min readMay 24, 2024

I realized today that I have been doing this parenting thing wrong the whole time. My son is 7, and he had a private tutor to help him with a few subjects he wasn’t that good at.

I’ve realized that I have been spending so much money, time, and energy for him to become good at something he doesn’t even like instead of spending that energy on his strengths. We try to make our children into who we want them to be instead of understanding who they are.

I got inspired to observe my son and make notes of his passions, interests, and strengths. We grow up not knowing who we are, what we like, and what our passions are because our society and parents disconnected us from our true nature. Imagine raising our children already connected to their nature and creating a unique life specifically tailored to them.

I’m already excited for the journey ahead. To understand who he is and to help him become the greatest version of himself.



Ani Rich

Founder of Radiant Being School Writer & Podcast Host