Emotions Explained: The Brain’s Role in Your Feelings

Ani Rich
2 min readJun 24, 2024

Emotions are your brain’s way of sending you messages.

Your brain has all the information about what you like, your beliefs, or what you don’t like. Everything and everyone that makes you happy and sad. Your brain is literally storing all the data about you.

According to that information your brain sends signals and those signals are called emotions.

Here’s an example. I am a person who loves to feel productive. I must absolutely throughout the day feel like I am being productive and doing all things important to me. The things that help me be at my best and feel best. Because my brain is programmed that way the moment I’m not being productive or I’m mindlessly wasting time I get anxious, and I feel like I can’t breathe. If I weren’t aware I would say I’m an anxious person and that I get anxiety often. This knowledge helps me to regulate my emotions and instead of going down the rabbit hole of feeling worse and worse throughout the day, I start to be productive stop the activities that don’t bring value, and do something that makes me like myself more. Immediately after I feel amazing and anxiety is gone.

We all have those things that we believe we should be doing. And when we aren’t, the programming, your brain sends signals. It wants the best for you, it wants to cooperate. It wants to help you. Those signals manifest as emotions in your body.

And that’s when we think we don’t have control. Because partially you can’t do anything about the emotion itself, you have to deal with the programming. You can deal with your brain, talk to it calm it down.

So many beliefs and habits aren’t supporting who you are and who you want to be. The person you are trying to be, you already are that person. You just need to remove the layers covering the real you; trauma, conditioning, negative beliefs.

You just have to reprogram yourself into being different. By acting the way as if you already are that. You can’t think your way into new ways of living you have to act yourself into it.

Action is going to reprogram your brain. It takes time. Eventually, it will override the old information and new programming will become default.



Ani Rich

Founder of Radiant Being School Writer & Podcast Host