Why People Treat You the Way They Do

Ani Rich
1 min readJun 17, 2024

People will meet you as deeply as they have met themselves.

I wish I had known this before. The number of times I have been upset in the past, asking, “How could she/he do this to me?!”

First, I had to realize that people never did anything TO me. Their actions were a reflection of who they were and how they felt about themselves. If there had been another person instead of me, they would have done the same.

Second, I had to teach myself, and this is still a work in progress, to have fewer expectations of people. To only do what I want to do for people, not what I think will make me look good, which helped me avoid giving something to get it back.

Third, people’s values should be aligned with yours for you to be fulfilled in that relationship, and there is no way someone will meet you where they haven’t met themselves. A great listener is good at listening to themselves, a great communicator is brutally honest with themselves, and a person with great compassion has witnessed themselves hit rock bottom and rise from it.



Ani Rich

Founder of Radiant Being School Writer & Podcast Host